Aux Armes de Bruxelles

Rudy Vanlancker has always had a special fondness for “Aux Armes de Bruxelles.” He got his start in cooking there in 1972, as an intern from the Ecole Hôtelière de Namur.

At the helm of Chez Léon for 40 years, he witnessed the life cycle, rise and fall of the establishment.

Its decline saddened him. Monsieur Rudy, as he is called in his restaurant, is among those who believe that there is space in the revival of the Ilot Sacré for several excellent, ambitious restaurants.

He also believes that Brussels deserves to have several renowned restaurants in its downtown area, evoking the days when the Ilot Sacré was a favorite destination for the locals.

His decision to bring back the crowning glory of our cuisine proves that he has never stopped believing in this quarter. He hopes to recreate the authenticity of yesteryear by using traditional white tablecloths and hiring a full kitchen staff with top-tier chefs dressed in the classic style. His goal is to make “Aux Armes de Bruxelles” the most beautiful brasserie in the downtown area.

The establishment has been renovated from top to bottom. The old kitchen has been demolished and rebuilt to fulfill the requirements of a high-level contemporary dining experience, not for a posh clientele, but for those local, Belgian and international diners who know what tastes good and enjoy eating well.

Aux Armes de Bruxelles
Rue des Bouchers 13
1000 Bruxelles
+32 25 11 55 50